All of our facilities are fully accessible with automated doors, a lift, and full changing facilities including a hoist.
CGCT acts as a keystone resource to facilitate community development. It is a valuable venue for many diverse groups that deliver a range of user-led activities creating opportunities for social, leisure and personal development.
Welcome Back!
We’ve missed you! What a summer it has been. We hope you’ve all been safe and well, and very much look forward to seeing you here at the Centre again soon. We are really excited to be reopen, and look forward to welcoming many of our regular hirers again, in addition to some fantastic new groups including…
We are adding these to our ‘What’s On’ pages for you to learn more and book. Everyone has worked incredibly hard to ensure classes and groups can resume safely, with all suitable measures in place (increased deep cleans, distanced markings and reduced capacities in rooms etc.) which we hope will ensure that everyone feels safe and happy when visiting us.
There are some new faces among the staff in the Centre too, as we wish a fond farewell to Rob and Meg (good luck in your new jobs and for the future), as well as Emma being on maternity leave with her beautiful new baby (congrats!) Please join us in wishing a warm welcome to Centre Deputy Rhiannon and Centre Assistants Louise and Samantha.
We now also have air conditioning in all rooms (hurrah!), and automatic doors on the ground floor, to help ensure we are a Centre that is accessible to all. We hope that with all these changes that we’re still the hub of our community that you love, but perhaps just a little bit shinier.
See you soon,
Ruth Gibson, Centre Manager