Open mic night

Open Mic Night

April 19, 2024 CGC Trust Comments Off

It’s been a year of change for the former Beaulieu Community
Trust. With the ongoing development of Chelmsford Garden
Community, the Trust has amended its charitable objectives and
changed its name to reflect the wider area of benefit that it now
operates within. There have also been key changes to the Trust
Board and there is a dynamic shared vision for the future.

One of the primary roles for the Trust remains the continued management and
development of Beaulieu Community Centre which welcomed a completely new
management team during the year, led by Centre Manager Noleen Andrews and
supported by a new Treasurer and other Trustees.
The Community Centre is a key community asset however the new team has faced
several challenges during the last six months and a complete overhaul of all
processes, which kicked off in December, is continuing.
Running the Community Centre is a massive undertaking and the amount of work
that has been required over recent months by both the centre team and key Trustees
should not be under-estimated.
Unfortunately running such a community facility and ensuring it remains accessible
for all comes at a significant cost. The Trust is entirely reliant on the support of the
local community hiring rooms at the centre together with the generosity of grant
giving bodies. Without this income the centre would not be able to operate or offer
its programme of community focused events and the Trust receives no core income
either from the Community Council nor residents Service Charges.
Notwithstanding the support noted above, the numbers in the draft 2024/25 budget
just don’t stack up using the current business model (income from room hire does
not cover operational costs). The Trust is progressing with a complete review of its
cost base, centre utilisation and pricing model with a view to creating a robust
forward plan to ensure the centre we all know, and love, can continue to thrive.

The Trust has also been pro-active during the latter part of 2023/24 in starting to
focus on activities that bring people together and give the Community Centre more
of a ‘neighbourhood hub’ feel. We have worked up a programme of events for the
coming year including sessions on Women’s Health, Open Mic Nights, Understanding
Dementia, Cyber Security Awareness and that’s in addition to working with local
partners to provide the popular Mini Markets and Christmas events.
To properly deliver on the above, we have been successful in securing grant funding
from both the Community Council and other bodies which will improve facilities,
enable a wider range of activities to be undertaken and realise the vision of building
a fully functioning neighbourhood hub. For example, the Community Centre now has
fast, dedicated WiFi for users, high quality PA equipment that can be used for events
or available for hire and better security to safeguard both the building and its users.
The last year has seen a seismic shift in bringing the Trust to a position where it can
truly be an organisation at the heart of everything that happens across the wider
area, and we will continue to work with local stakeholders to develop an all-inclusive,
healthy, and vibrant garden community.
It’s been a tough year however with the continued dedication of those involved in
getting to where we are now, there is huge potential for the future!

Melanie Williamson
Trustee & Interim Chair
For and on behalf of the Trust Board & Beaulieu Community Centre Team.

CGC Trust:
Community Centre:
Last but not least, make sure you head over to
our Eventbrite page and grab tickets to our
amazing first ever Open Mic Night!
All the performer slots are filled, there will be
a bar & food available to purchase and best of
all we have a superb new PA system to show
off all of the talented musicians that have so
kindly agreed to support us! Don’t miss out…